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working with me one-on-one:



my healing SOMATIC MOVEMENT classes:



Pain is not an enemy, but an invitation to venture deeper into the places where we are holding our own medicine.”

You are your greatest healer.

AND Sometimes it helps to have a trusted guide who has walked their own healing path, by your side...

That’s what I am here for.

I’m here to reach out a hand and be a mirror guiding you back to your inner wisdom that is always speaking to, and through you.

When we are looking for help to heal— whether we seek relief from emotional, physical or mental pain— it is often when we’ve reached the point of exhausting our own tools and resources, perhaps those of our friends & family, and sometimes even another practitioner.

At least that was true for me.

Most of my clients find me when they’ve read the books. Done the courses. Seen the therapist. Taken the class…

Many of my clients can recite their tendencies, tiggers & sensitivities … even list their psychological diagnosis, “isms” & issues. 

And yet, somehow it isn’t enough.

Somehow, knowing all of this… hasn’t changed much when it comes to how they FEEL day to day, or how they behave, for that matter.

This is because the mind can accumulate all the knowledge in the world— but until it is FELT, EXPERIENCED & EMBODIED— it stays up in the mind.

This knowledge may be known, but it is not LIVED. Not fully integrated or “walked” out in the real world.

Healing requires us to FEEL.

Not just think. Feel. 

And we feel in our bodies.

We can KNOW all the things…. but until we come out of the safety of the mind and down into the unknown of the body and integrate the lost/abandoned/suppressed parts of ourselves, knowing that we have “abandonment issues,”  or “anxiety” or “avoidant attachment” tendencies does very little to change our behavior.

I believe your body is your healer…

And your healing journey is simply your body initiating you into the next highest version/embodiment — of YOU.

There is personalized & intimately curated medicine— just for you—located in the intelligence of your pain. In your body. 

Pain is not an enemy, but an invitation to venture deeper into the places where we are holding our own medicine.

That medicine is administered through feeling the parts of you that are calling to be witnessed, felt & integrated into the heart.

You truly are… “the one you’ve been waiting for” 

You are not broken.

You are not incomplete.

You are not forgotten.

And you are here, reading these words, because you are already on your healing journey… You are already HEALING. Healing is your design & your birthright.

And perhaps, you are here, reading these words, to find aligned support on you healing journey.

So… about that support:

What does it look like to work with me? 

I hold monthly containers in which you are held— not just physically in the hours we spend face-to-face in our 1:1 sessions— but emotionally & energetically between sessions as you have access to my direct personal support M-F through voice & text communication.

I provide a personalized online bulletin board where you have access to detailed session notes to chart your journey, and where I invite you to try home practices that are tailored for your specific needs— these may include resources that I recommend personally, such as: books, podcasts, meditations, somatic exercises, movement classes, etc.

Also, you have FREE access to KRIA Method— My library of online transformative movement classes where I teach you to become more embodied & heal.

working with me includes:

1:1 personally tailored transformation sessions (60 or 90min)

Personalized Online Bulletin Board with: Session notes | Recordings | Home Practices | Resources

Personalized support through voice & text app (M-F)

KRIA Membership — Access to my library of 50+ somatic movement classes

What will you learn whILE working with me?

  • You will learn how to listen to the ‘voice’ of your body. You will learn what your pain is trying to teach you. You will learn the messages your body wants you to know and the feelings it has been waiting for you to acknowledge and feel.

  • You will learn what it actually looks and FEELS like to practice self love. You will learn how to love yourself. To reparent your inner child. To find peace with the parts of yourself you have suppressed or judged.

  • You will learn a paradigm of healing that I like to call “whole-ing.” A process of reintegrating all of the lost, rejected, hurt parts of you and receive the wisdom, power & blessings they hold.

  • You will learn about your primary survival patterns— why you do what you do when you are overwhelmed or triggered—and how to get un-triggered.

  • You will learn about your nervous system and gain self-regulation skills to help you go from various states of fight/flight/freeze…. to feeling safe again, so you have agency to choose what is right for you.

  • You will befriend your body. Through learning to listen to it. Through building trust— just like you do within any other relationship. This is one of the most rewarding things one can ever do— and a gift that never stops giving. This is a journey of no longer bypassing the voice of the body, but working with it to heal.

  • You will learn your Human Design and how just a few bits of knowledge from this paradigm can help you make decisions that are aligned for you, instead of continuing to do what you think you're supposed to do (based on your conditioning,) and getting frustrated with lackluster results.

  • You will learn about masculine/feminine polarity and harness the power available to you when you live in balance & connection with BOTH of these energies— in your personal & relational life.


“I believe your body is your healer.

What other tools may you learn while working with me?

  • How to NOURISH your body in ways that support grounding, presence, emotional & hormonal balance.

  • How to engage in MOVEMENT that supports your well-being.

  • How to engage in healthy & whole RELATIONSHIPS.


  • How to heal patterns resulting from FAMILY TRUAMA.

  • How to use ENERGY PRACTICES to help you keep your energy field safe & clean.

  • How to engage with PAST LIVES and ANCESTRAL EPIGENETIC PATTERNS and release what no longer serves you.

  • How to step into your PERSONAL POWER & create ABUNDANCE by harnessing the power of your beliefs.

Basically… your journey will be curated for you, by you.

You are unlike any other being, after all. Your unique one-of-a-kind body knows exactly what you need— your body is what leads our sessions, so therefore…

Every client’s healing journey is uniquely designed for them.


“When I started with Kristi, I was recovering from a sexual assault and was very traumatized, triggered by pretty much all men, was constantly getting injuries and felt disconnected from my body. Kristi helped me heal from this where now I can honestly say my trauma does not affect me anymore. I now feel safe in the world and if I get triggered, which rarely happens anymore, I now know how to address it and give myself self love and self soothing to ease the discomfort. That’s also the beauty of Kristi - she has taught me to be my own healer - I feel like I now have so much useful tools that I can now rely on myself in between our sessions. I honestly never thought I could heal from my trauma, and just a few years later I now can barely remember what it felt like to be living in the pain I was before. I feel safe in my body again.It feels really nice to come back home (to myself).”

~ Anonymous Client

“I’ve tried just about everything when it comes to healing modalities; talk therapy, EDMR, body work for healing , etc - but nothing can compare to how I feel Kristi’s work helps me. I have found with things like talk therapy, I can stay in my head and talk in circles about the problem yet experience no relief. Kristi helps me to go deeper, away from the head and into the body, where the root of the issue is. She has helped me to feel safe with my feelings, so once I experience the feeling the issue or trigger quickly passes. To put it in fewer words; Kristi guides me to the root of the problem and holds space for me to feel what actually is going on, and I will leave a session feeling so much lighter than when it started, pretty much every time; I’ve never had this with any other healing modality.

~ CD

“Working with Kristi has basically changed my entire life. She is the single greatest gift I give myself every week… She has really taught me to listen to my body and to understand that our body is speaking to us at all times.”

~ JZ

Nothing can compare to how I feel Kristi’s work helps me.”


“I’ve been meeting with Kristi for a month now and the results are life-changing… mentally, emotionally and physically and manifest in major shifts and breakthroughs on all levels. Cannot recommend her more highly for those who want to level-up in their career, their joy and have “ah-ha” moment after “ah-ha” moment!”

~ New Client

It’s hard to put into words how positively Kristi has impacted my life. She has been a deeply integral part of my healing journey and I honestly could not be more grateful/lucky to have come across her and her work. I do not know where I would be without her. I would be less evolved. That is an understatement.”

~ Anonymous client

“Kristi is a lioness, healer, seeker, wants you to be the best person you can be while seeing your full potential and light. She saw me before I was capable of seeing myself. She aided me in my healing and continues to help me metamorphose into my full capacity of physical alignment.”

~ CR



During a private 1:1 Somatic Energy Healing Counseling session with me, we will allow your body to lead us to the root of what is causing the issue at hand— be it mental, emotional , energetic and/or physical. I act as a guide, holding a safe container, as we follow the wisdom of your body to the source of the current problem. Through the Art of Inquiry, somatic practices, survival pattern awareness, breathing, relaxation and movement— together, we follow your conscious awareness inward, into your body, to bring to light what was perhaps unconscious before. This “bearing witness to self” begins to loosen the energy blocks that keep our maladaptive patterns in place and helps us release age-old unprocessed emotional debris. Simply put: When we can feel it, we can heal it.


It is a process that accesses & helps release the energetic component of trauma that is stored in the body— “the issues in our tissues.” We are made of energy and emotions are simply energy-in-motion, or energy meant to be in motion and move out of the body. However, sometimes emotional energy from past trauma gets “stuck” in our energy field and shows up in the form of limiting beliefs which form habitual ways of reacting to the world— ways that sometimes are self-sabotaging or no longer helpful. The body is our protector. It remembers our trauma and is wired to respond with whatever worked in the past to prevent a repeat of that traumatic incident; However, often the survival adaptation that was so necessary during our childhood becomes maladaptive and causes us pain in adulthood. This pain can manifest energetically, emotionally, and even physically. The presence of pain is simply the body calling our attention to where there is healing needed— emotional (energy) healing—which catalyzes physical healing.


This gentle and effective healing modality is different than traditional psychotherapy in that we use the repetitive stories of the mind as a map to lead us to the deeper wisdom of the body. In my experience, this tends to make the healing process more rapid than traditional talk therapy as it interrupts the tendency of the mind to get caught in the “loop” of a traumatic narrative. Energy work brings our awareness down to the cellular level where trauma is stored. Here we can access healing from and through the body.

Why Do You provide packages rather than single sessions?

I have learned through experience that body/energy work is a process that requires trust— trust between one’s conscious awareness (mind) and the unconscious (body) aspects of ourselves. This building of trust between the body and mind can take a little time— rarely will one session, or even two— allow sufficient space to create the trust needed to allow the body to open up. Not to mention, when an energy of urgency is present in a session, or a pressure to “get results” fast, the body tends to rebel by closing up. And wouldn’t you? For most of us, when demands are made of us without adequate trust or relationship building, we tend to feel resentful— the body is the same. It doesn’t respond well to this kind of pressure— this kind of ‘extraction-al’ relationship— any more than we do. And often, this kind of conditional transactional relationship with our care-givers was part of what caused out initial wounds in the first place. Multiple-session packages provide a safe container and create a feeling of spaciousness for the body… allowing it to open up in it’s own time. Not only that, but the level of commitment required to invest in a package, I find to be directly proportional to the commitment one has to “doing the work” required to heal. I have found packages to be a far more effective container to create lasting change and healing, than single sessions— hence, my use of them!

… More questions? Head to the FAQs page for lots more info!


1) Please fill out the application below.

2) I will get back to you through email (usually within 48 hours.)

3) At that time, should we choose to move forward, I will set up a FREE 30 minute consultation call for us to meet over zoom.

4) During our call, you’ll have the opportunity to share your questions, hopes & concerns with me. After which, I will inform you of my offerings and if/how I can support your deepest healing.

Just click on the link below!


If you have other questions that don’t involve working with me, you can fill out the form below to email me directly, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

stay in touch

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