What happens during a private HEALINGs session?

During a private session with me, we will allow your body to lead us to the root of what is causing the issue at hand— be it mental, emotional , energetic and/or physical. I act as a guide, holding a safe container, as we follow the wisdom of your body to the source of the current problem. Through the Art of Inquiry, somatic practices, survival pattern awareness, breathing, relaxation and movement— together, we follow your conscious awareness inward, into your body, to bring to light what was perhaps unconscious before. This “bearing witness to self” begins to loosen the energy blocks that keep our maladaptive patterns in place and helps us release age-old unprocessed emotional debris. Simply put: When we can feel it, we can heal it.


It is a process that accesses & helps release the energetic component of trauma that is stored in the body— “the issues in our tissues.” We are made of energy and emotions are simply energy-in-motion, or energy meant to be in motion and move out of the body. However, sometimes emotional energy from past trauma gets “stuck” in our energy field and shows up in the form of limiting beliefs which form habitual ways of reacting to the world— ways that sometimes are self-sabotaging or no longer helpful. The body is our protector. It remembers our trauma and is wired to respond with whatever worked in the past to prevent a repeat of that traumatic incident; However, often the survival adaptation that was so necessary during our childhood becomes maladaptive and causes us pain in adulthood. This pain can manifest energetically, emotionally, and even physically. The presence of pain is simply the body calling our attention to where there is healing needed— emotional (energy) healing—which catalyzes physical healing.


This gentle and effective healing modality is different than traditional psychotherapy in that we use the repetitive stories of the mind as a map to lead us to the deeper wisdom of the body. In my experience, this tends to make the healing process more rapid than traditional talk therapy as it interrupts the tendency of the mind to get caught in the “loop” of a traumatic narrative. Energy work brings our awareness down to the cellular (subconscious) level where trauma is stored. Here we can access healing from and through the body.


Yes. I love working with couples! Partner relationships provide an incredible container for personal & mutual growth— I am always in awe of those who do the work to make their relationships thrive and believe some of the deepest healing & growth happens in this kind of container. In a couples session we address whatever issues are arising— from not only an emotional, but an energetic standpoint. We will look at how each of your energetic blueprints is serving & not serving your mutual goals for the relationship. You will be provided with tools & insights to bring you into your true selves & into deeper intimacy with your partner. Couples sessions are as unique as each one-of-a-kind couple!

Why Do You provide packages rather than single sessions?

I have learned through experience that body/energy work is a process that requires trust— trust between one’s conscious awareness (mind) and the unconscious (body) aspects of ourselves, not to mention, building trust with the me, the practitioner. This building of trust between the body and mind can take a little time— rarely will one session, or even two— allow sufficient space to create the trust needed to allow the body to open up. Plus, for most who come into this work, this is a new process that is unfamiliar. It can take a few sessions to learn and to trust the process of how to bring conscious awareness into the body.

In addition, when an energy of urgency is present in a session, or a pressure to “get results” fast— as is common in single sessions— the body tends to rebel by closing up. And wouldn’t you? For most of us, when demands are made of us without adequate trust or relationship building, we tend to feel resentful— the body is the same. It doesn’t respond well to this kind of pressure— this kind of ‘extractional’ relationship— any more than we do. And often, it was this kind of conditional and transactional relationship with our care-givers that created the unsafe environment where our initial wounds were created in the first place.

Multiple-session packages provide a safe container and create a feeling of spaciousness for the body allowing it to open up in it’s own time—without the added pressure “to perform.” This spaciousness also allows the mind to get onboard, so to speak, and begin to trust this process as well. Not only that, but the level of commitment required to invest in a package, I find, directly translates to ones level of commitment to “doing the work” required to heal. I have found packages to be a far more effective container to create lasting change and healing than single sessions— hence, my use of them!

WHere Did you get the name, Kria?

KRIA is a play on the Sanskrit word ‘Kriya’ meaning action or movement of the soul. I love that it includes the first three letters of my name— Kristi. But I primarily chose the word because it reminded me of an old theatre term that refers to a ‘primal scream'… the funny thing is, I’ve looked everywhere and can’t seem to find the original term anywhere. Hell, maybe I made it up! Regardless, the work I do is all about expressing, honoring & releasing our primal screams.

CAN I DO kria aS MY workout?

Of course! KRIA is a workout— And it’s so much MORE. If you’re wondering if KRIA can substitute for your daily workout, look no further. I’ve been told over the years that the warm-up for KRIA could stand alone as a workout, and I agree! KRIA includes cardio, stretching, increased mobility & flexibility, a good burn and lots of sweat! …but you’ll also get the healing benefits of emotional release, joyful movement expression & meditation! You will be sweaty, stretched and glowing from the inside-out after a KRIA METHOD class— and your body, mind & soul will thank you for it.

I don’t dance, Can I still do KRIA?

YES! I have heard this question more times than I can count over the years. The word “dance” is intimidating for a lot of people— understandably in our perfection & performance focused society. KRIA is not about dance— it’s about self-expression. In my opinion this is what dance was always meant to be until we turned it into a skill to master— but I digress. Dance and movement belong to EVERYONE. But don’t let the word dance intimidate you. KRIA simply uses elements of dance to allow the body to free itself into its own unique form of movement. That’s what KRIA is all about… allowing your body to express itself however it sees fit. There are no “dance steps” no “techniques” no “skills” needed besides your open mind and willing heart.

What WORK do you do WITH ACTORS?

***ACTING COACHING Currently only offered on a limited basis. Please fill out an application on the ‘Work With Me’ page to inquirE.

I’ve coached brand new actors and I’ve coached Oscar winners over the years. I offer audition prep, movement coaching for inhabiting a specific character, as well as teaching the craft of acting to private clients (from beginners to pros.) I’ve worked in the industry in various capacities for over 20 years, including a decade of movement & acting coaching. I love to help actors feel confident bringing their fullest selves to the world.