KRIA Method (Kree-ahh) = Transformative movement classes that combine dance + somatic embodiment practices to connect you to your body’s innate wisdom & healing.

Check out my KRIA Method Classes below ~ Available NOW for purchase:

( To work with me 1:1, click the button to apply… )

KRIA Method Movement Class Series:

The Power & Pleasure of PLAY… (4 Classes)

Lifetime Access… $88


A 4-class embodied immersion into the alchemical magic of playtime!!!

  • Do you feel like your life is a set of check-lists?

  • Are you always trying to get it right, but you’re just not… happy?

  • Do you base your worth on achievement and external approval?

  • Has life lost its sparkle?

  • Do find yourself putting fun & play LAST on the list?

Well in this series, you will experience how PLAY is the magic sauce that awakens JOY, PURPOSE & FUNNNN!!! Play is a literal 'switch' you can turn-on by using your BODY as the vehicle...

These classes will help you return to that oh-so-wondrous state of play that was so easy for most of us to find as children! Pssssst: Your inner child STILL KNOWS exactly how to get there-- We just need to create a safe space for her to take us-- and that is what these classes provide!

I hope you'll join me on this self-paced, joy-filled, silly, sweaty & YUMMY journey deep into the Power (& pleasure) of play ~ It's gonna be a fun ride!!!

Align To Your Knowing … (10 Classes)

Lifetime Access… $144


This series is all about exploring what it FEELS like in our bodies to be ALIGNED with our body wisdom & truth-- to connect to where our answers live: IN THE BODY. 

Is it hard for your to trust yourself? Do you have a hard time making decisions? Do you feel like you’re always looking for answers outside of yourself? Do you always ask for advice when you need to make major decisions? Do you then, tend to second-guess yourself? Do you feel like you’re lost at sea without an inner compass?

In this series you will learn to trust yourself. You will learn to access the real you & listen to yourself. You will come away feeling connected to your inner knowing and with practical tools to connect to it whenever you need it!

This Course includes:

~ 8 45-minute Movement On Demand Classes to repeat as often as you like...


  • What Knowing Feels Like

  • Beyond The Mind

  • To Have To, Or Not To Have To

  • Beyond The Ego

  • Feelings As A Map

  • Beyond Fear

  • Beyond Shame

  • Holding Onto Yourself

+ One pre-recorded LIVE 45min group Q&A session with Kristi to kick off the series.

+ One pre-recorded LIVE 45min group integration session before the final class of the series.

This is one of the most powerful series I’ve ever taught! Click the button above to learn more…

Shine Your Light… (7 Classes)

Lifetime Access… $111


A journey to finding and embody your inner light... 

  • Do you feel like there’s a secret (maybe even magical) part of you, that you wish you could express, but you don’t know how?

  • Are you looking to access that hidden part of you that you haven’t had a chance to explore?

  • Are you just kinda getting by, instead of really LIVING?

  • Are you lacking passion— like that inner spark has gone dim?

  • Are you wondering how to SHINE that inner light—especially in a world that has, perhaps,  shut it down?

This series is all about the truth that YOU ARE ALREADY ENOUGH— but the transforming power of this series is that we don’t just talk about it— you will learn to EMBODY this truth. Feel it. And LIVE IT.

This series will have you feeling:

  • IN your body.

  • Joyful in your enough-ness.

  • Empowered to be ALL of you.

  • Safer in your one-of-a-kind skin.

  • Connected & belonging to the larger web of life.

  • More flexible, more FREE, more in the flow...

There is so much MAGIC in this series— click the above link to learn more!




"If you feel disconnected from yourself, this is the class for you to get in touch with who you really are…Getting into your body is the quickest way to find your true self. And this class is the Masterclass of that.” - FBR

How good it feels to be in your body instead of your mind. To completely shut it off and give yourself permission to be free; to dance with anger, with passion, love and fragility without fear that your expression is any less than or more than someone else’s... I’m ready for more!” - Anonymous

Working with Kristi has basically changed my entire life. She is the single greatest gift I give myself every week… She has really taught me to listen to my body and to understand that our body is speaking to us at all times.” -JZ

Sometimes these classes are the only thing that gets me through the day...the class today was so healing and necessary.” -BA

“Still in awe over yesterday’s Movement Class... This class was so much more than just movement and dance. So many releases happened, in-depth exploration of ourselves as people and as artists... I am so inspired! WOW.” - AR

“It just might save your life.” - JE

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The Story Of KRIA Method…

KRIA METHOD revealed itself to me as I witnessed the transformational revelations my students were having year after year in my movement class, Dance for Actors (founded in 2012.) .

I documented these transformations and noticed a pattern — a process transpiring in class that opened the body through movement & led to deep healing. This elegant sequence is comprised of seven components and forms the foundation of KRIA METHOD:

Open / Engage / Inward / Initiate / Embody / Release / Embrace

I am so grateful to have gotten to share this work with over a thousand students over the years in Los Angeles, and now thanks to the internet, all over the world.

I look forward to working with you ~ ENJOY!


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