I Will Not Be Afraid Of You.


I will not demonize you for your choices— because I know you make them with painstaking consideration for yourself & your family… and what you choose is none of my business.

I will not be afraid of you. I will not pull back in fear as I pass you on the street. I will not withhold hugs, smiles, or the light that emits from my eyes when I see you. I will not judge you for your Heath decisions. I will not close my heart in fear because I am being constantly conditioned to. Nor will I judge you for your health choices— even though I am being constantly endlessly brainwashed to. I will not fold to fear tactics.

I will not demonize you for your choices— because I know you make them with painstaking consideration for yourself and your family and that what you choose is none of my business. I will not judge you. I will not hate you. I will not try to make you feel dumb or foolish for your choices. I will not avoid you. Gossip about you. Or try to convince you that I know better. I will not succumb to the divisive narrative the media dishes out with gleeful abandon. I will not reduce you to “them” or “those people” of any other label that diminishes the FULLNESS of your humanity— the fullness that includes the entire STORY that makes you you. That catalyzes your choices. I will not be reduced by the moralistic judgements of others. I cannot be. For I know who I am. I know of what I am made and the light that shines within & through me. Fear has no place here. I cast out fear— from every cell of my being. There is no room for that stuff here. I will not drink that poison. And I put on notice those who feed on it, dish it out, and consume it with vigor and aren’t satisfied until we are all consumed by it. Your time is ending. Enough. I will not listen to lies. And fear is a lie.

We are so much more. So. Much. More. Why are our systems so intent on us forgetting this? Why are they so intent on us fearing each other? Some see this— what I see. And some see benevolent systems trying to save the world from a pandemic. I honor what you see. I don’t need you to see what I see. And I will continue to see what I see. And stand in the light. And refuse fear. And practice love. I will not succumb to being bullied into judging you & hating & fearing those who disagree with me. I will love you and accept you with a mask, or without. I will love and accept you with a v or without. I will greet you, shake your hand, hug you, and look you in the eye IF you are open to it— and respect you fully if you are not— regardless of your choices.

We are navigating some tough stuff… and everyone EVERYONE *EVERYONE* deserves compassion today and everyday. We are not weaklings, humans. We are the embodiment of the Divine. We are walking divine consciousness. We are LIGHT. We are LOVE. The two most powerful vibrations that exist. Fear…. Is afraid of US.

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.”

Kristi SlagerComment