Beyond Right And Wrong.

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. ~ Rumi

… Perhaps Rumi wasn’t speaking of a field, as in a tangible expanse of land, rather, he used the word “field” to indicate another dimension. The energetic field of the 5th dimension. The field beyond duality. Beyond light & dark. Right & wrong. Good & bad. The place where oneness prevails. Where we recognize that each “other” is actually not separate from ourselves at all, but rather, is another emanation of The One. Another piece of the puzzle of which we are all pieces— all of us vibrantly wild & unique droplets of paint on a canvas that we together are painting. All of us, threads of a tapestry that together, we are weaving.

This “field” is not a place— but a knowingness within the heart. An arrival to a frequency— a vibration— beyond the understanding of the mind. It is an aligning to the heart and what is true beyond this 3rd dimensional reality we wander seemingly lost & blind within. The reality where I look at you as “bad” or “wrong” for not seeing the world as I do. The reality where I am divided within myself— constantly polishing the parts I’ve deemed lovable— and then burying the “unlovable” parts in the shadows. And therefore, doing that same judging and dividing on the outside — projecting my condemning rightness & wrongness, good & bad… onto you.

This field Rumi speaks of is available right now… and we’re always invited. This field is not earned. Not over there somewhere. It’s NOW. There are no rungs of the ladder to climb. There are no courses to take, books to read, degrees to get. Other dimensions are always open & available. Existing simultaneously with all the others. Entering another dimension is really just a question of alignment. Of readiness & willingness.

Perhaps, like me, you are tired of the duality. The constant war between who is “right” and who is “wrong.” Perhaps you are ready to resolve this battle within your own body. Ready to love the parts of you that were shamed & shoved into the basement of your subconscious. Perhaps a desire for wholeness beckons you— to love all parts of yourself. For it is from here that we have access to loving everyone else in their own unique expressions of life.

If so, Rumi points to this field… that is here now. Already available. Accessed not through the mind, but through the heart. Through our capacity to love ourselves fully— and therefore everyone else. But let me clarify something that I think is often misunderstood about this kind of love. Loving doesn’t mean being a doormat. Love doesn’t require we bend over and let the darkness roll over us. Love actually means standing within and upon the greatest power there is and holding & claiming oneself— all of oneself— as we honor the other who is claiming themselves. Love does not require that we abandon ourselves— quite the opposite. The idea that “love” equates to self-abandonment is a poisonous seed planted by those who know the true power of self love—and benefit from our loss of that power.

Love is not self sacrifice. It is not martyrdom. It is not giving yourself away to the last drop. And yet, also, these actions can demonstrate love… if they are consciously chosen from the heart. But so many of us are taught to self-abandon & martyr because it looks like love. But love is weighed in the heart— not in the mind— the heart knows. Often what is parading as love, is actually a wounded bid for belonging & approval from the outside world. Actions from this place are actually motivated by fear. Fear of abandonment. Fear of unworthiness. Fear of our “unlovable” parts.

And so, though the door to the 5th dimension of wholeness & oneness isn’t something we need a secret password for, it does ask that we unfurl our grip on the need to make others wrong so we can be right. It does invite us to see clearly our darkness and tenderly expose it to the love-light in our hearts. It does invite us to expand our capacity to love… beyond “ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing.”

What an invitation!

Personally, I know that this is where my work is. I know that much. Perhaps you feel the call as well. If so… I’ll see you in the 5th dimension. Which is now. Which is here. Which is our birthright.

Kristi SlagerComment